Symposium Unit Symposium

November 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly disrupted higher education. The principal mission of colleges and universities–teaching and learning–was thrown into disarray by the sudden closure of campuses and the dislocation of faculty members and students. Classes were abruptly shifted online, which…

November 2009

Skyline at dusk in Atlanta, Georgia

When Charles Dickens opened A Tale of Two Cities with his now famous words—“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”—he captured the ambivalence of a society in upheaval and transition. The 21st century academy is…

November 2010

US capitol building in Washington DC at sunrise

In his classic study of College: The Undergraduate Experience in America (1987), Ernest Boyer concluded that colleges in the U.S. had lost sight of the moral and civic purpose of education. Through the years, others have acknowledged (and some have…

November 2011

Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzis cemetery in old San Juan, Puerto Rico

We are experiencing a major transformation in teaching and learning, which will have far-reaching impacts on students, faculty, and educational institutions. This change arises from the convergence of several factors that are rede ning higher education in the 21st century.…

November 2012

Jackson Square in New Orleans

The college population is changing and the traditional college student—between the ages of 18–22, living on campus, working part time if at all, pursuing education for its own sake rather than as vocational training—is no longer the norm. Increasingly students…

November 2013

Miami skyline at sunset

How should we rethink and reshape liberal education for the 21st century? How can we maintain our commitment to the goals of liberal learning during a time of urgent economic and social pressures? How can we ensure that our colleges…

November 2014

Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzis cemetery in old San Juan, Puerto Rico

Globalization is the defining feature of the new millennium. Curiosity about the world beyond our national borders is not new, but the rapid pace of change across increasingly interdependent societies alerts us that global perspectives are now essential, not optional.…

November 2015

US capitol building in Washington DC at sunrise

How are today’s colleges and universities serving as a focal point for social justice issues in the 21st century? Broadly speaking, “social justice” encompasses the principles of equity, opportunity, and non-discrimination, all of which are pertinent to higher education. For…

November 2016

Skyline at dusk in Atlanta, Georgia

Today’s college students are both like and unlike those of previous generations. They bring with them similar aspirations for personal growth and development, but with increasing pressures to gain an education that provides a path to a profession. Among this…

November 2017

Jackson Square in New Orleans

In recent years, higher education in the United States has been called to confront and respond to issues of diversity to ensure that all students have a real place—and a real chance for success—in college. While diversity can be considered…

November 2018

Miami skyline at sunset

Active learning is a pedagogical practice that shifts the focus from teacher-based delivery of content to learning activities performed by students. It requires students to engage with course material through reading, writing, discussing, role-playing, listening, and reflecting. Research confirms that…

November 2019

Miami skyline at sunset

Conversation has always been at the core of education, with discussion-based seminars serving as a key paradigm for learning in college. This symposium examines the essential role of the Academy in cultivating meaningful conversations on campus and in the classroom.…

November 2020

Today’s colleges and universities have a responsibility to prepare students to enter and thrive in a complex, multifaceted, globalized society. What curriculum innovations do we need to enact at our institutions to prepare our students for success after graduation? One…