Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College, and Spelman College
Atlanta, Georgia
Symposium Overview
When Charles Dickens opened A Tale of Two Cities with his now famous words—“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”—he captured the ambivalence of a society in upheaval and transition. The 21st century academy is also experiencing the best and worst of times. The growth of higher education provides the potential for greater access and expanded opportunity. Our students are now more diverse, more technologically savvy, and more globally aware … Show more
When Charles Dickens opened A Tale of Two Cities with his now famous words—“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”—he captured the ambivalence of a society in upheaval and transition. The 21st century academy is also experiencing the best and worst of times. The growth of higher education provides the potential for greater access and expanded opportunity. Our students are now more diverse, more technologically savvy, and more globally aware than any previous college generation. Yet all members of the educational community—students, faculty, and administrators,—are currently experiencing the challenges of uncertain times. These challenges have come in the form of financial difficulties, closer scrutiny and accountability, and mismatches between faculty and student expectations. In this time of difficulty, how are educational institutions responding in a manner that benefits all of their constituents? How are we turning challenges into opportunities?
In November 2009 faculty members and other representatives of Faculty Resource Network institutions addressed these questions and issues during a national symposium on “Challenge as Opportunity: The Academy in the Best and Worst of Times,” hosted by Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College, and Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia.
This event also provided an occasion to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Network, reflect on its past accomplishments, and look forward to how it can energize our academic community in the years to come. Participants were invited to contribute to our collective mission of identifying and shaping the future priorities of higher education. In this time of transition, the role of the academy becomes even more essential as a source of insight, innovation and inspiration.

Spring 2010 Journal
Plenary Panel
Plenary Panel
Martha J. Kanter, U.S. Under Secretary of Education
Carlton Brown, President, Clark Atlanta University
John Sexton, President, New York University
Beverly Daniel Tatum, President, Spelman College
Jamie P. Merisotis, President, Lumina Foundation for Education
Thomas W. Garsombke, Clayton State University
Diane J. Prince, Clayton State University
Richard Fulton, Clayton State University
Gwen Hanks, University of Georgia, Athens
Howard Ralph, Clayton State University
Wendy A. Gaudin, Xavier University of Louisiana
Pamela Waldron-Moore, Xavier University of Louisiana
Adrian Woods, Xavier University of Louisiana
Takeisha Wilson, Clark Atlanta University
Danielle Sweat, Clark Atlanta University
Curtis Washburn, Chaminade University
Richard Kido, Chaminade University
Sonia V. Gonsalves, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Marcia Daley, Clark Atlanta University
Kristie A. Ford, Skidmore College
Sarah W. Goodwin, Skidmore College
Audrey Wolfson Latourette, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Mary Ann Trail, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Amy Hadley, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Mark Wekander, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Richard Vogel, Farmingdale State College
Francine Edwards, Delaware State University
Ida Rousseau Mukenge, Morehouse College
Gwen Wade, Morehouse College
Samuel Livingston, Morehouse College
Jon A. Yasin, Bergen Community College
Dorsía Smith, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Thelma Baxter, Manhattan College
Joan Tropnas, St. John’s University
Nancy Philip, In-Tech Academy