Symposium Unit Article

Engaging Marginalized and Disadvantaged Students in Social Justice, Community Engagement and Public Affairs Issues

Introduction Constructivist learning environments are rich learning environments which involve problem-solving activities (Roblyer, Edwards, & Havriluk, 1997), cooperative and collaborative group learning, and learning through exploration. Cognitive constructivism contends that knowledge is constructed and made meaningful through an individual’s interactions…

Community Engaged Pedagogy When the Local World Is Global

The last half of the twentieth century saw the rise in institutions of higher learning in the United States of “service-learning,” “experiential learning,” or “engaged learning.” Concurrently, these same institutions came to understand “internationalization” as a necessary tool for preparing…

Voices Beyond the Classroom

Introduction In this article I provide a snapshot of how some classes have been improved and enriched using a combination of techniques that allow for both the instructor voice and student voices to be heard outside the traditional classroom setting.…

Value of Cogenerative Dialogues in STEM Learning

Introduction Cogenerative dialogues (cogens) are discussions over shared experiences of teaching and learning and can involve students, instructors, researchers, and sometimes administrators (Tobin & Robin, 2006). They can address, for example, the extent to which teaching benefits learners, the roles…

Leveraging HIV in Curricular Innovation at Spelman College

In this “flat” world, interdisciplinary practices, which often involve problem-solving, have become increasingly essential. The traditional disciplinary practices of many academic institutions are restrained by their approaches to problems, use of theory, and traditional questions. Problem-solving, by its complexity and…