Symposium Unit Article

STePPERR: A Planning Tool for Co-Teaching

Introduction There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us as professors. Many of us have experienced frustration, stress, and even heavier workloads. What we are experiencing or have experienced is called pandemic burnout syndrome. According to the…

We’re 20, They’re 21

Purpose of the Presentation This interactive presentation focused on the dilemma of 20th century instruction for 21st century students. Through comparisons of both learning styles and teaching methods, we acknowledged that educational methods have changed over time. The professoriate needs…

The Role of Language and Popular Culture in Civility

During the fall semester of 2009, a developmental writing student, who had previously been charged with academic dishonesty, submitted a second assignment in which he had to demonstrate that he understood how to write complete sentences. Although grammatically correct, the…

Global Ethics in the Classroom

The second semester of the intermediate English course which I teach uses an interdisciplinary approach. One of the thematic units I use for the course is ethics. As Charles Taylor pointed out in Sources of the Self, our identity is tied…

Legal Implications of Academic Advising

Colleges and universities employ a variety of means to afford academic advising to their students, including the use of faculty serving as preceptors and/or a Director and advising staff emanating from a Center of Academic Advising, among others. Whether the…

Chaminade University: The Four-Year Plan

The Problem Many studies in recent years have noted that the average time to degree for college students nationwide has been steadily increasing. Instead of the traditional four years that most college degrees were originally designed for, it has become…