Symposium Unit Article

Integrating Global Competencies into the Curriculum

Abstract This presentation reported preliminary results of an NEH-funded interdisciplinary initiative, Cultivating Global Competencies in a Diverse World, which seeks to infuse the curriculum with global competencies across the humanities. Launched in September 2014 at the Borough of Manhattan Community…

Engineering Course Success Through Interactive Engagement

The learning environment in higher education has morphed from a lecture-driven paradigm to an amalgam of experiences that utilizes collaborative and interactive engagement pedagogies enhanced by technology. Such learning strategies are believed to result in deeper learning, with students taking…

Diversity and Inclusion at a 21st-Century Historically Black University: What Cultural Competency Can Teach Us About incorporating Non-Citizen Latino/a students at HBCUs

Introduction An institutional shift is underway in higher education. The pace of demographic, social, political, and economic change developing in the United States has hastened calls for a more diverse, inclusive, and representative democratic society. Academic institutions, irrespective of institutional…