Symposium Unit Article

Social Justice: A National Imperative

In its November 2015 National Symposium, the Faculty Resource Network brought the topic of Social Justice to the forefront, shaping a focused discussion on how “principles of equity, opportunity, and non-discrimination” are being advanced by today’s colleges and universities (Faculty…

Promoting Social Justice Through Service Learning

Abstract As of the end of spring 2015, over 200 Farmingdale State College Architecture and Construction Management students have served the community by producing existing condition construction drawings of nonprofits’ buildings, including veterans’ facilities and senior centers, on Long Island.…

Curriculum Design for Equity and Excellence

Social Justice and Education Institutions have long recognized that educational experiences must contribute to creating a more just world (Gutstein, 2003; Marshall, 2010; Mete, 2010; AAC&U, 2015). To this end, many curricula include topics such as social responsibility, community service,…

Connecting Civil Rights to the Universe

Universities have a moral and social obligation to educate future leaders on the history leading to current forms of inequality and to educate them on the role we each play in righting society’s wrongs. The classroom is a dynamic setting…

BOLD in Detroit: A Campus–Community Partnership

Introduction Marygrove College, founded in 1905 and sponsored by the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, has a long tradition of excellence in education, social and environmental justice, and community engagement. Taking advantage of its location in the…