On January 17–19, 2023, the FRN hosted its third virtual Teach Share program via Zoom during a three-day event. Participants collectively shared strategies, tools, techniques, and challenges for trending topics which included:
- Active Learning
- Flipping Classrooms
- Framing and Scaffolding the Semester
- Tech-Enhanced Education
2023 Program Schedule
(All times are Eastern)
Ellen Bartley | Farmingdale State College
COURSE: Introductory Accounting
Jing Chai | New York University
COURSE: Elementary Chinese I & II
Anna Venetsanos | New York University
COURSE: Advanced Modern Greek
Vondora Wilson-Corzen | Nassau Community College
COURSE: Racial and Ethnic Relations
Evi Dilaveri and Emmanuella Skarmalioraki | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Introduction to Academic Writing
Anastasia Logotheti | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Criticism: Shakespeare: The Great Tragedies
Edna Aurelus | Wagner College
COURSE: Psychodynamic Dimension of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Care
Roslyn Crowder | Stetson University
COURSE: Cell Biology
Rohini Qamra | New York University
COURSE: Biochemistry I
Tuwaner Lamar | Morehouse College
COURSE: College Algebra 1 with Online Lab
Sonya Okoli | Clark Atlanta University
COURSE: International Higher Education
George Kyparissiadis | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Introduction to Advertising
Irene Karayianni | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Human Learning & Memory
2023 Presenters & Videos

Edna Aurelus
Dr. Edna Aurelus is an Associate Professor at Wagner College. She is the owner of EVS Health Services Clinic located in Staten Island NY. Dr. Aurelus delivers care both for clients with primary and mental health needs. She is currently licensed to practice psychiatry and primary health in New York, New Jersey and Arizona. In the spring of 2014, Dr. Aurelus completed her Doctorate in Advanced Nursing Practice at Arizona State University. In the spring of 2018, she completed a Post-Doctorate Degree in Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Dr. Aurelus is dually board certified from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) as a Family Nurse Practitioner and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Dr. Aurelus's extensive experience in psychiatry includes the old St. Vincent Hospital known now as Richmond University Medical Center (RUMC), South Beach Psychiatric Center, Banner Behavioral Health Hospital and Perryville Prison, the only state female prison in Arizona. She is currently the Lead Professor for the psychiatric nursing course at Wagner College in Staten Island. She is the author of multiple peer-reviewed articles and co-authored a book chapter. She adopts the concept of psychological safety and empathy in her classroom to encourage students to participate in class discussion without any fear. She is aware of how stressful and traumatic experiences can affect learning and one's mental health. She is very vocal for women empowerment through education and social injustice, which is one of the many reasons she started her own foundation in her native country in 2014 called EVS Smile Foundation.

Ellen Bartley
Ellen Bartley earned her doctorate from New York University in Higher and Post Secondary Education, with a focus on business education. Her area of expertise is in teaching and learning and is particularly interested in making accounting accessible for non-accounting majors. Ellen is also credentialed as a Certified Management Accountant and brings professional accounting experience to her work as an educator.

Jing Chai
Jing Chai holds a BA and MA in TCSOL (Teaching Chinese to the Speakers of Other Languages). She has been teaching at NYU Shanghai since its inaugural class, and is now the sole faculty of Chinese at NYUAD. Her recent research interests in the Community-engaged Learning led to the successful development of two post-advanced courses: Discovering Contemporary China Through Documentary Films and Teaching Chinese Through Children's Storybook, as well as a series of experiential learning events and regional trips in NYUSH. Prior to joining NYUSH, she taught for the East Asia Languages and Literature Department at Washington and Lee University. Jing Chai is active in the area of internet and technology-based language learning. She has created a crowd-sourced website I Got One for strategies-sharing on Chinese character learning that connects the learners from NYU Global Network. She is also experienced in language assessments. She currently serves as the accredited OPI Tester of Mandarin for ACTFL, accredited Grader of HSK Test for the MoE China, as well as the Evaluator for Critical Language Scholarship for the U.S. State Departments.

Roslyn Crowder
Roslyn Crowder earned a B.S. in biological engineering from Florida A&M University and a Ph.D. in immunology from University of Alabama at Birmingham. She was a PENN-PORT teaching postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania and research postdoctoral fellow at Penn State Cancer Institute before joining the Stetson University faculty in 2013. Dr. Crowder, who currently serves as the Molecular & Cellular Biology Program Coordinator, is a molecular cancer biologist with interest in cell death pathways. Her undergraduate research program examines anticancer properties of plant compounds and cell death protein localization in human malignant and non-malignant cells.

Evi Dilaveri
Evi Dilaveri has been a member of the Deree Writing Program faculty since 1990; she teaches academic writing and research skills. She has also taught study skills courses and has worked as a writing and study skills tutor for the Writing Center. She is currently the Coordinator of the Writing Program. Her academic interests lie in the areas of writing theory and pedagogy, classroom dynamics, learning differences, tutoring (face to face and online), and the use of technology in hybrid teaching practices. She is a member of TESOL Greece, the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW), and the European Writing Centers Association (EWCA).

Irene Karayianni
Dr. Irene Karayianni joined the Department of Psychology of ACG in 2014. She is teaching Human Learning and Memory and Research methods courses, is a fellow in the ACG Center of Teaching and Learning, and is affiliated faculty in the ACG 150 Center of Excellence: Food, Tourism & Leisure. Dr. Karayianni has a PhD on Experimental Cognitive Psychology from the University of Sussex, and an Advanced Certificate on Strategic Pharmaceutical Marketing from EEFAM & University of Piraeus. Her academic research, which has focused on student engagement as well as memory awareness, has been presented in international and European conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Karayianni has extensive experience in Consumer Psychology, Social Research, Marketing, Business Analytics, and Organizational Psychology. She has held positions in Marketing and Consumer Insights in Pharmaceutical and Market Research companies, and the Center for Renewable Energy Sources. She has been involved in European and national projects on energy performance of buildings regulation, pharmaceuticals, FMCG, telecoms, food & beverage, personal care, and education, among others. Examples of projects include consumer perceptions, employee engagement and culture, impact of marketing activities, performance measurement, forecasting, competitive intelligence, customer segmentation, commercial trade channel management, new product development, mass media consumption, brand image, etc. Dr. Karayianni conducted a qualitative study for the development of the new ACG website. She is also a Mentor at Women on Top, a mentoring community, where she provides empowerment to mentees so that they can manage their soft skills and enhance their emotional intelligence and self-motivation. Dr. Karayianni is a peer reviewer in academic journals, and a Member of the RAISE (Researching, Advancing, & Inspiring Student Engagement) network and the Society for the Teaching of Psychology.

George Kyparissiadis
Dr. George Kyparissiadis is the Program Coordinator of the MA in Advertising Communications. He holds a PhD in Visual Communications from Panteion University, a master's degree in Communication Policies from City University of London and a BA in Business Administration and Marketing from the Economic University of Athens. He gained extensive experience in the advertising industry working as a coordinator for some of the top global agencies in London, including Saatchi & Saatchi, Grey and Starcom, on accounts for the European and the US markets. His academic and research interests focus on the areas of identity, representation and diversity, as well as visual communications. Dr Kyparissiadis is an associate lecturer at Deree teaching a variety of topics, including integrated communications and advertising, media planning and digital advertising.

Tuwaner Lamar
Dr. Tuwaner Hudson Lamar is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Morehouse College, a private Historically Black Liberal Arts College for Men. Her mathematical area of expertise is Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Partial Differential Equations with Lidstone Boundary Conditions. After completing her PhD at Auburn University, Dr. Lamar spent nearly ten years working in industry where she did software engineering support for digital broadband communications networks. Dr. Lamar chairs the Outreach Committee in the Mathematics Department at Morehouse. At the beginning of each school year she invites boys and girls with their families to attend a workshop on campus with the primary goal of increasing participation in Math Competitions by members of underrepresented groups. Dr. Lamar designed an Online Math Placement process which led to the elimination of remedial math courses at Morehouse. She, also, leads the committee that connects students to employment opportunities with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship as a key co-component of work life.

Anastasia Logotheti
Anastasia Logotheti has been teaching literature and writing for nearly four decades. She studied in the US as a Fulbright scholar and holds a doctorate in contemporary British literature from the University of London. Dr Logotheti views teaching as a vocation and is interested in the pedagogy of teaching, interests which informed her tenure first as the Coordinator of the two Writing Centers (2003–2010) and currently as the Director of the Teaching and Learning Center.

Sonya Okoli
Dr. Sonya Shuler-Okoli is a former Chief Academic Officer & Dean of Academics with over fifteen years of higher education experience from Community Colleges to R1s. She is the immediate Past President of the Georgia Higher Education Alliance, a Member of the Georgia Women in Higher Education, and former Institutional Lead for the National Association of Colleges & Universities. With a devoted heart to teaching, research, and most importantly service to our community. With this, she has held both faculty and administrative positions at the University of Georgia, DeVry University, Georgia Military College, Beulah Heights University, and Capella University. In each of these appointments, her role included Accreditation Re-affirmations, Faculty Training and Development, Academic/Student Affairs, Program Evaluation & Assessments, and Student Advisement & Engagement. As a scholar-practitioner, with a broad range of work specializing in Sociopolitical Education, her research focuses on DEI & Student Retention for Minority students. Dr. Okoli has been published in several professional journals, and online publications along with facilitator-led conference sessions at Arizona State University's Teacher College, Harvard University College of Education Urban Institute, Black Doctoral Network, the American Academy of Advanced Thinking, and the University of South Carolina First Year and Transition Studies. Dr. Okoli also served as Principal Researcher for The Wallace Foundation's "Principal Pipeline Project" a P-16 initiative that included our nation's top Urban District Superintendents and Deputy Commissioners of Education about their role in the recruitment of school leaders from HBCUs.

Rohini Qamra
Rohini Qamra is a Clinical Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, NYU and an active Proud-to-be-First advocate. She is passionate about creating an inclusive and enjoyable learning environment in the classroom. Prof. Qamra is a two-time recipient of the FAS Teaching Innovation Award for developing strategies to promote student learning. She has applied psychometric concepts towards developing and refining content to achieve student learning outcomes for all learning environments (asynchronous/synchronous, classroom-based/virtual).

Emmanuella Skarmalioraki
Emmanuella Skarmalioraki has been a member of the Deree Writing Program faculty since 1991. She teaches academic writing and research skills for the Writing Program and she is a learning facilitator and trainer for Student Academic Services. She is also an oral examiner for the Michigan State University Language testing. She has a keen interest in the art of rhetoric and its application in academic writing, pedagogy, and learning facilitation both inside and outside the classroom. She is also a member of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW).

Anna Venetsanos
Anna Venetsanos is a clinical associate professor of Modern Greek at the A.S. Onassis Program in Hellenic Studies at New York University, where she teaches all levels of the modern Greek language courses.

Vondora Wilson-Corzen
Dr. Wilson is the program coordinator for NCC's social work program as well as a professor of sociology. Her academic focus is inequality shown through family, race, ethnicity and class.