The FRN held its second virtual Teach Share program via Zoom during a three-day event on January 18–20, 2022. Participants collectively shared student engagement strategies, tools, techniques, and challenges for keeping students engaged and active in the classroom with course content and peer-to-peer learning through discussion and participation.
2022 Program Schedule
(All times are Eastern)
Despina Gavrili | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Work-Based Learning Through Placement in Hospitality or Tourism
Jane Mandalios | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Critical Perspectives in TESOL
Anna Moni | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: English for Academic Purposes
Trace Jordan | New York University
COURSE: Pandemics and Plagues
Brian O’Keefe | Farmingdale State College
COURSE: Designing Blended Experiences
Colleen Martinez | Ramapo College of New Jersey
COURSE: Human Behavior and the Social Environment
Evi Dilaveri | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Academic Writing & Research
Anastasia Logotheti | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Criticism: Theory and Practice
Wendy C. Turgeon | St. Joseph’s College-New York
COURSE: Folktales and Fairy Tales (First-Year Seminar)
Chiara De Santi | Farmingdale State College
COURSE: Italian Cinema
Monique Earl-Lewis | Morehouse College
COURSE: The African American Experience (First-Year Experience)
Maira Kotsovoulou | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Internet Programming
Despina Makri | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Information Technology Fundamentals
Vassia Stefanou | DEREE – The American College of Greece
COURSE: Human-Computer Interaction
Corrin Clarkson | New York University
COURSE: From Data to Discovery
Yu Chen | Farmingdale State College
COURSE: Marketing Principles
Rohini Qamra | New York University
COURSE: Biochemistry
Iliana Ballester-Panelli & Alba Brugueras Fabre | University of the Sacred Heart in Puerto Rico
COURSES: Sustainable Development; From Macroeconomics to Personal Branding and Ideapreneurs; Creative and Strategic Innovation
2022 Presenters & Videos
Iliana Ballester-Panelli
Professor Ballester-Panelli teaches at the Escuela de Comunicación Ferré Rangel at Universidad del Sagrado Corazón. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in strategic communication, advertising, research, entrepreneurship, digital marketing, copywriting, creative advertising among others. She is also a consultant on digital marketing, advertising and market research and is a founding partner of Top Brains firm that specializes in these fields. She has a master’s degree in advertising from Michigan State University and doctoral candidate in education at Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico. She is the director of Elemento 360, a student-run communication firm at the university and a collaborator and member of the panel of experts of the Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS) where she offers workshops to faculty from other universities members of the consortium. Her research interests include the topics of distance learning, active learning, social media, and the use of technologies for information, communication, and learning (TICAs). LinkedIn
Alba Brugueras-Fabre
An economist, linguist, and professor, Alba holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in economics from the University of Puerto Rico, a Ph.D. from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico on language research, and doctoral studies in business administration from the University of Puerto Rico. She has experience in academia, government, and the private sector. For the past 18 years, she has researched economic policies regarding health, agriculture, the labor market, business, education reforms, gender, and economic development. Recently, she has focused on the study of pedagogical methodologies in economic education. Alba collaborates with the Education in Economics and Personal Finance Alliance, offering workshops to teachers from public and private schools. She is currently the President of the Puerto Rico Economist’s Association for a second term. Since 2012, she has worked as a professor in the department of business administration at the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, where she teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in economics, statistics, business, research, market analysis, and forecasting, among others. In addition, she has participated in local and international conferences to present research papers and posters and is also a consultant on economic affairs and market research. Faculty page

Yu Chen
Dr. Yu (Viviane) Chen is an associate professor of Marketing at the State University of New York, Farmingdale State College.

Corrin Clarkson
Prof. Clarkson has been teaching undergraduate mathematics for ten years. She has extensive experience with active learning techniques and deep roots in the Teaching Mathematics with Inquiry community. designing Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) scripts as an undergraduate at the University of Chicago. She completed the IBL Workshop in 2014 and has attended many IBL conferences. I taught a fully IBL Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning course at Indiana University. In Fall 2021, she taught a flipped Calculus 1 course as well as a data science course where most lessons include in-class coding exercises. The later course is the topic for this presentation.

Chiara De Santi
Chiara De Santi is Assistant Professor of Modern Languages at Farmingdale State College, where she teaches courses in Italian language, culture, and cinema, and international cinema, in face-to-face, hybrid, and online modalities. She is the Italian language coordinator and the advisor of the Minor in Italian Studies. At FSC, she fosters the introduction of COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) in the curriculum, having COILed courses with Italy, Japan, Mexico, and South Africa. Before joining Farmingdale State College in the fall of 2017, she taught for several years at the State University of New York at Fredonia. She holds a Ph.D. in Italian from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Ph.D. and a Masters of Research in history from the European University Institute, and a Laurea Magistralis (M.A. equivalent) in languages from the University of Florence, Italy. Her research interests include Italian as a second language and pedagogy; Italian cinema, literature, and history; and Italian food culture. Her scholarly contributions have appeared in Cinema e Storia, The Journal of Language Teaching and Technology, Teaching Italian Language and Culture Annual (TILCA), Mosaic, Cultura e Comunicazione, L’Anello che non tiene, Griselda Online, Insula Europea, Faculty Research Network, and Slavia. With Francesca Calamita (University of Virginia), she is co-authoring a textbook of Italian in two volumes: DiversITALY: First & Second Semester Italian with Inclusive Language and Gender Equality (Kendall Hunt Publishing, forthcoming 2022). She has co-edited a peer-reviewed volume on Passato e presente nel cinema italiano: storia e società sul grande schermo [Past and Present in the Italian Cinema: History and Society on the Silver Screen] (Vecchiarelli Editore, forthcoming 2022).

Evi Dilaveri
Evi Dilaveri has been a member of the Deree Writing Program faculty since 1990; she teaches academic writing and research skills. She has also taught study skills courses and has worked as a writing and study skills tutor for the Writing Center. She is currently the Coordinator of the Writing Program. Her academic interests lie in the areas of writing theory and pedagogy, classroom dynamics, learning differences, tutoring (face to face and online), and the use of technology in teaching and research. She is a member of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW), and the European Writing Centers Association (EWCA). Faculty page

Monique Earl-Lewis
Monique Earl-Lewis is the Founding Director of the Faculty Development. Teaching and Advising Center at Morehouse College and teaches interdisciplinary courses in Africana Studies, the Freshmen Year Experience and Psychology. She received her PhD in Organizational Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology; a masters of science in Counseling and Behavioral Studies from the University of South Alabama; and a bachelors in Speech Communication from Auburn University.
Her applied research and practice focus on learning organizations, integrated techno-cultural-pedagogical practice to advance social justice and equity through active communities of learning and authentic participation engagement. Email

Despina Gavrili
Despina Gavrili has been a member of the faculty since 2005. She has taught courses in the area of Marketing Management and Tourism and Hospitality Management. Her current teaching involves such courses as Tourism Planning and Development, Hospitality Operations, Food and Beverage Management, Cultural Tourism. Her research interests lie in the areas of cultural tourism and of experiential learning, with recent publications in both areas. She has 15-years working experience in various managerial positions in the Wine, Tourism and Hospitality industry. She has been a member of the Association of Greek Women in Tourism, the efforts of which created the Museum of Tourism. LinkedIn

Trace Jordan
Trace Jordan is a Clinical Professor and Director of the Foundations of Scientific Inquiry program in the College Core Curriculum at New York University. He is a three-time recipient of the Golden Dozen Teaching Award and co-recipient of the Teach/Tech Award from the College of Arts and Science. In Spring 2020, he received the Arts and Science Teaching Innovation Award for creative adaptations to remote learning. In addition to teaching general education science courses, Trace is lead author of an innovative science textbook, “Chemistry: The Molecules of Life,” published by Oxford University Press. He is a Faculty Fellow-in-Residence at Senior House, NYU’s residence hall for upper-class students. As a first-generation college student, he serves as faculty leader for Proud to be First, which provides mentoring and academic enrichment for first-generation students. Trace earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in physics from the University of Essex (UK), an M.A. in the history of philosophy of science from the University of Toronto, and a Ph.D. in chemistry from Princeton University.

Maira Kotsovoulou
Maira Kotsovoulou has been a member of the Deree faculty since 1996 and has taught courses in the area of software development across the IT curriculum. She currently teaches Introduction to Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Relational Database Management Systems, Internet Programming and the IT Capstone Project. Dr. Kotsovoulou also has extensive 20-year professional experience as a systems analyst and software developer. She has developed numerous systems for major Greek companies both in the public and in the private sector. Her research interests primarily focus on evaluating teaching tools aiming at improving students’ understanding of coding and programming efficiency in all modes of instructions (f2f, blended and online). She serves as advisor to the IT Society and the Problem Based Learning Club. Faculty page

Anastasia Logotheti
Anastasia Logotheti, PhD, is Professor in the English department and Director of the Teaching and Learning Center, Deree-American College of Greece. She divides her time between teaching literature courses and organizing faculty development training opportunities for implementation of active learning strategies. She is a passionate advocate of student-centered teaching and of increasing student engagement. Faculty page

Despina Makri
Despina Makri started working for the American College of Greece upon her graduation from Deree since 1994 as a coordinator of computer training and educational applications as well as a computer lab instructor. She has been a member of the Deree faculty since 1998 and she has taught many courses across the curriculum. Currently she is an assistant Professor and teaches IT fundamentals, multimedia, game design and UX courses for the Information Technology department. She is also the advisor of the “Women in Science and Technology” student club at Deree and an advisor to “Girls in Tech” non-profit organization. Her research interests are in the areas of multimedia, game design and digital humanities. Faculty page

Jane Mandalios
Jane Mandalios has worked at The American College of Greece since 2006, and teaches Applied Linguistics at graduate and undergraduate level, as well as Composition. She co-ordinates the MA TESOL programme at the college. Before coming to Greece, she spent 25 years in tertiary education in the Arab world (Libya, and then Dubai). Her professional interests include curriculum and materials development, assessment, translanguaging and the use of the L1 in the teaching of the L2, and the fusion of information literacy within academic subjects. She holds a doctorate in TESOL from the University of Exeter, UK.

Colleen Martinez
Colleen Martinez is a licensed clinical social worker and a registered play therapist supervisor with 25 years of experience providing services to children and families. She has been teaching social work students for over 15 years and has been recognized for excellence in teaching. She is an Assistant Professor of Social Work at Ramapo College of New Jersey. All her work is relational in nature, aiming to build and improve relationships to support growth and learning. Faculty page

Anna Moni
Anna Moni MA (KU Leuven), MA (University of Venice), PhD candidate in Education and E-learning, (UOC Catalunya). Italian language instructor, instructional designer, graduate online tutor, and online faculty trainer. Author/co-author of textbooks for Italian language learning, and book chapters in peer-reviewed publications. Research interest in technology-enhanced teaching and learning, and effective feedback in higher education. Faculty page

Brian O’Keefe
Brian is currently an Assistant Professor of Interaction Design, leading State University of New York’s first undergraduate Interaction Design Program (Mixed Reality, User Experience and User Interface Design). Brian has commercialized devices, apps and services (e.g., mobile, tablet, kiosk and web) for fortune 100 companies, patented numerous technologies, won grant awards, published research papers, exhibited interactive artwork, presented at international conferences and won several commercial and academic awards for the advancement of user experience design. Faculty page

Rohini Qamra
Dr. Qamra is an experienced biochemist with expertise in protein structure-function analysis and higher education. She received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry in India, followed by postdoctoral research in Singapore and New York. Dr. Qamra has over 15yrs of experience in higher education and is passionate about sharing her love of Biochemistry with undergraduates. She was recently awarded the NYU Teaching Innovation Award for her contributions to student learning and engagement. She is an active Proud-to-be-First advocate and is passionate about creating an inclusive and enjoyable learning environment in the classroom and outside.

Vassia Stefanou
Vassia holds a PhD in eResearch & Technology Enhanced Learning from Lancaster University, an MSc in Human-Computer Interaction from Heriot-Watt University, and a BSc in Business Administration/CIS from Deree – ACG. She has been teaching at Deree – The American College of Greece since 1996, where she currently serves as the advisor to the academic MIS society, and to the Women in Technology and Science club. She has presented her research to various conferences and she has also published her work to various peer-reviewed journals. Her research interests include Human Computer Interaction, User Experience, instructional/learning design, e-learning, blended learning, and technology enhanced learning (TEL). Faculty page

Wendy C. Turgeon
Specializing in philosophy for children and the history of philosophy, Wendy C. Turgeon is presently the chair of the Department of Philosophy at St. Joseph’s College, where she has been teaching courses since 1991. One of the leading proponents of the freshman honors program, Dr. Turgeon coordinates the program in addition to teaching one of its core courses. She has also incorporated global education into many of the philosophy classes at the College and is a passionate advocate for study abroad. Dr. Turgeon was also instrumental in creating the College’s minor in women’s studies.
Dr. Turgeon has presented papers and workshops at conferences around the world and has published articles in magazines such as Philosophy Now and the International Journal for the Humanities. Her publications focus on the philosophy of childhood and bringing philosophy into pre-college education, with chapters in such books as Philosophy in Schools: An Introduction for Philosophers and Teachers (Routledge, 2014), Conflicts in Childhood (ID-Net Press, 2015) and Philosophy and Education (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012). She is a member of the American Philosophical Association, North American Association for the Community of Inquiry, International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children and the Philosophical Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO).