Tinaz Pavri

Tinaz Pavri

Tinaz Pavri is the division chair for social science and humanities at Spelman College and founding director of the Asian Studies Program. She is a professor in the department of political science. Her B.A. and Ph.D. in political science is from St. Xavier’s College, Bombay and The Ohio State University, respectively. Dr. Pavri has taught a range of political science courses including comparative political systems, political theory, international politics and film, and the interdisciplinary introduction to Asian studies. Her research and publication interests lie in the area of security studies and conflict resolution, questions of national identity and globalization. Her geographic area of expertise is South Asia. She has successfully obtained grants from the Japan Foundation, U.S. Army War College, Associated Colleges of the South, and co-authored grants from the Southern Educational Foundation (SEF). She currently directs Spelman’s $1.2 million multi-year grant, the Career Pathways Initiative. Faculty page