Sayali Sunil Tandel

Sayali Sunil Tandel

Sayali Sunil Tandel is an international student from India and currently pursuing a master’s degree in computer science at Pace University in New York. She has experience working as a research assistant in undergrad under the guidance of Dr. Rajesh Kulkarni. Sayali presented a paper titled “Redesign of News Website for Better Navigation” with Dr. Kulkarni’s guidance. Data mining fascinates Sayali and she surveyed the various data mining techniques and presented a paper in 2019 titled “A Survey on Text Mining Techniques” at the 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS) in Coimbatore, India. Apart from research, Sayali is interested in baking and has made a lot of cakes over time out of which the Choco Mocha Crunch recipe is their favorite.